
Examples of Significant Risk Studies

Significant risk occurs not only in the selection of topic, but also in the design. For example, a study that involves interviewing middle school students who have been the victim of bullying may involve significant risk, while a study that asks administrators to describe the efficacy of existing policies on bullying may be minimal risk. For this reason, risk is assessed on an individual basis and few topics are simply deemed unacceptable.

Here are some examples, by school, of studies that could involve significant risk, depending on the design. These studies may not be appropriate for a novice dissertation researcher. If you are considering such topics, set up an appointment to consult with the IRB by emailing

School of Education

School of Business and Technology

School of Public Service Leadership

Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Doc. reference: phd_t1_u07s2_h01_exsigrsk.html